Seven days left in the kindergarten school year! Can you believe how time flies? I can't. It seems like it was just yesterday that it was the first day of school for my kindergartner! Now, it's kindergarten graduation, throw the caps in the air, turn the tassels and its off to the races--let the real school world begin.....NOT! I am not ready for any of this! How I miss the preschool days--waking up without an alarm clock, dressing my kid in what I wanted, arriving a few minutes early to watch the kids run around so I could chat with the other moms, peeking through the window to see what they're doing.......
Kindergarten is not at all like this. No windows to peek through. No mom's lingering outside. No kids running mayhem. It's now alarm clock at 7:30am (which is late, I know...) uniform down to the socks and shoes, making lunches, and rushing out the door. Drop off is a long carpool line, no chance or time for a hug let alone a kiss (don't want to hold up the line). There's no chatting with anyone unless I show up on foot on a minimum day dismissal. It's the real world otherwise known as ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.
Kindergarten does have some perks! Nothing wrong with having some time to myself to get in a workout, go to the grocery store and only buy what's on my list, pick up the dry cleaning, clean up the house, etc. But what I will say is, I miss my BUGABOO! (Boogs for short) Being gone all day is a l-o-n-g time! I anxiously wait for the clock to say--PICK UP TIME so I can literally mow down pedestrians and arrive right when the bell rings. I'm embarrassed to say, I'm notorious for being late but the smile that appears on both our faces when I pull up to the front doors, makes my heart melt and I will cherish these and similar moments forever. As soon as "Boogs" jumps in, she throws her backpack at me, asks if I have a snack, (pretzels) where are we going, what's for dinner, am I going to see dad tonight and its only after this inquisition that I can get a few words in, " how was school today, were all your friends there, what did you do?, did you eat your lunch?" You see, my time is short. If I am not shuffling one of her friends around the car, she is engaged in a conversation with her sister. So I gotta get the questions in there fast or else, time's up!
I can remember in the beginning of the year, my BUGABOO couldn't read a word. Fast forward a school year, and lets just say, the other day when I was speaking with her dad, I spelled out a word. Not only did she sound it out but she also said the word out loud and proceeded to tell me that she wasn't a....BRAT! My daughter just turned 6 years old a few weeks ago and is now reading me books! She's reciting colors in french. She can count to 200! I am amazed at how she has matured! I am happy to see her thrive and do so well yet sad that she is growing up so fast! She can tie her own shoe! She can wipe her own butt! These are just some of the things that I used to do for her. I didn't teach her how to do these things. Kindergarten did.
Kindergarten is a magical place for kids and I don't mean Disney magical! I mean magical in that the child who walks in those doors come September is not the same child 10 months later! I have watched my own child blossom into this beautiful person all her own!! Part of the experience has to do with environment. My daughter is fortunate enough to have a teacher who is passionate about learning and the children she is working with. She has created a space where the kids feel free, happy and alive! Walk through the Kindergarten classroom and you hear constant chatter, laughter and excitement! It should be noisy! It's a room filled with small children eager to learn!! I truly believe her classroom style is unique. Its not your typical, rigid learning environment but one that encourages kids to be kids and have FUN.
I hope that all of you who have children entering kindergarten get the full experience that my child did. Kindergarten sets the tone for a long journey of learning which is why it is so important that your child get the best experience and takes advantage of it. Make sure that your child is HAPPY!!!! And parents--Don't focus so much on the "academics" of it all. (I know this is hard) This will come in due time I promise. My daughter is the youngest in her class by as much as 1 year. Academically, it equals itself out between 1st-2nd grade, if not sooner so don't worry about them falling behind. Just remember--Kindergarten should be a happy environment, an environment that your child wants to be in and where they are safe, learning and having fun. I know mine did. Here's to First Grade!