Six years ago, not a day went by when I didn't wear high heels, makeup and had the hair all done up. Now, most days, I hide my hair inside a beanie (okay-I hate my color right now) but still, I rarely make any attempt in fixing myself up. Truth of the matter is, I can take an hour out of the day to look good and have screaming kids or walk out the door sans makeup, and spend quality, happy times at the park or elsewhere. You decide. Being a city mom means designer jeans, cute tops, and the occasional ballet flat or sneakers. Oh, not to mention the designer sunglasses of choice. (I prefer cheap RayBan's or my go-to pair of Pradas which are 5 years old) Doesn't seem like a lot work, right? But then baby #2 came, and I just got sloppy, rarely seen without the sweatpants and ugly Uggs. The hair was always tied up in a greasy bun or hat, but my kids were HAPPY!
Today with both kids at school at least for part of the morning, I have more time to work on my appearance. Most days, I start off looking rough---smelly running clothes, bandanna around the head and no makeup. It's actually quite frightening. But after a nice shower, a blow-dry and some tinted sunscreen, a transformation is in the works. I'm starting to be my old-self again, except I am my old-self plus 6 years and a mom. Recently, my other half has questioned my "attire." My style is exactly the same as it once was but I kind of let myself go during the nursing/sticky finger stage. Now, I am wearing my stylish clothing yet he thinks I am generating attention!? It's not like I am one of those moms who bends over flashing her rack or thong?!! (You know who you are and you know when you are doing this. It's gross.) Truth be told, there was once upon a time in my life when being HOT was important. Now, its more of an after thought and being hot at 35yrs is just not the same as being hot at 25yrs! In fact, I don't want to be hot now! I'm a mom and the last think I want is for a man to approach me, stare, gawk, etc. in front of my kids--something my other half doesn't quite understand. See, men don't get it. That kind of attention is not the least bit flattering. Men don't understand that we women will love them fat, bald, and old. We accept the aging process, the grey hairs, the disappearing six pack and the man boobs. Men are not as kind or understanding that gravity isn't as kind to our bodies, especially after kids. After gaining 40lbs for a baby, the weight just doesn't disappear. We have to work at it, boot camps, a nip tuck here and there, an injectable filler to make the fine lines gone and bi-weekly waxing appointments. I mean really, how many guys out there work this hard to look good for their spouse? Not many.
A few months ago, my better half made a comment that my arms were "soft." Excuse me? I was running 6 days a week. How could I be soft? I took the extreme approach and bought my first set of weights. I worked out my upper body like a mad woman, investing in more weights and workout videos. Changed my diet (to help my running) and got pretty cut by mid-summer...almost too cut. My mom said my arms looked like a man! You get my point. How many times have I told him I think he needs to work out? Has he changed? NOPE. I can't even tell him I think he needs to lose weight without "hurting his feelings." (I recall being told in NYC that my butt was getting big and I immediately went on a diet)
Why is it that aging for men is much "cooler" than aging for women? I see many old guys with young women on their arms or wives with "a lot" of work done to look good. But as men get older, they do let themselves go and its okay! Why are women still blond at 60 and men are totally grey if not white? Viagra for the old guy who can't get it up? What about something for women to take to make us forget that WE are sleeping with the old wrinkly guy who can't get it up?! You mean its not acceptable for a woman to find her man old and wrinkly? What about a magic pill to give women a much needed boost in all the right places? A Viagra for her boobies, her butt, or better yet...for her stomach after she comes to terms that her other half isn't getting any younger....only older...
So by August, my upper body was pretty defined. I was swimming 4 days a week along with running 6 days. So, I'm guessing the many hours I spent at the pool interested my hubby (ok ok-my kids swim pre-team)and he decided to join my club, and took on swimming as well and ....he's starting to tone up. It kinda became a mini-competition of who is the better swimmer. Since fall came, I started slacking, too cold, rainy--the pool is outside. Upper body muscles are gone. What do I get? Someone made a comment that I wasn't as "fit" as I was in the summer?! And him.....well, he now prances around the pool in his tight Speedos in all his glory!
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