2009 was spectacular and am sorry to see it end! For starters, I ran my first half marathon in the beginning of the year and end 2009 with 3 half marathons, a few 10ks and a full marathon under my belt! The transition from preschool to kindergarten went extremely well for my oldest (too well) oh, and did I mention she taught herself how to ride a bike??!! My little "Snuggle Bunny" hand-picked her new school and now never wants to leave!! And to top it off, we were fortunate to have our "breadwinner" of the family secure a new and exciting job during the worst economic meltdown on Wall Street. Through it all, the Larson Family remained together and strong. We've had our ups and down, but we somehow always manage to survive....
Most importantly, 2009 was a year where I reconnected with old friends and made many new friends. For the past 5 years, I have really forgotten what its like to have friends and their importance because I focused all of my energy on just my kids. This year, I really made time to BE a friend. Through the good times and bad, my friends have really been a good support system outside of family and its nice to know that so many people really do care. I have an eclectic group of friends, all so different in so many ways, but all are really, really good friends and I am grateful to all of you for your friendship. Thank you Face book!
So what's in store for 2010? We just put the "elf" back in his box until he wakes up again in 11 months! (Thank God because he was really beginning to scare me.) Well, I just told my other half that I wouldn't be a fashion Queen this year.....(yeah right!) I said that I didn't need stylish clothing for cycling. (Really, I said that? Remember, I do race in a running skirt!) I am going to focus on being a good athlete. No, this IS NOT a New Year's Resolution--that, I definitely could not/would not keep and with SATC 2 coming out, well......its wishful thinking! I have 2 triathlons already lined up, a half marathon in 4 weeks and another marathon in 8 weeks so I have a lot on my plate to keep me focused and out of the stores! And besides, its not like I can swim in Christian Loubatins and do I really need another pair of skinny jeans! My oldest also asked if she could "race with mommy" so that's on our plate as well. As she put it, "I run really, really fast mommy. Everyone better move out of the way!" We joined a new swim club so it looks like this summer will be less Marin and more Redwood Shores (Hello Suburbia--think Desperate Housewives). Did I mention swim team? I've got the entire family swimming now, including the hubby. Serious swimmers in this family! And as fall approaches, it'll be a relief that I won't have to apply for kindergarten for the little one since big sister already paved the way-hallelujah! (OMG-my little one almost in kindergarten??) Halloween carnival again?! (Are you nuts??!!) And of course-lots and lots of time with friends, friends, and more friends! Oh, and did I mention that I am turing 36 years this year!
May 2010 be just as spectacular for all of you as 2009 was for me!
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