Monday, September 28, 2009


I sit here checking out the Facebook page. Looking back at some of my past postings, does anyone really care that I went for a swim or a long run? Probably not, but at the time, I felt the need to post it. I look at a lot of pictures of FRIENDS, comments people post about where they went and what they did. Then there's the occasional posting that causes such a stir amongst FRIENDS and lastly, just the realization of it all that someone isn't really a FRIEND and that you don't care what they are watching on tv or where they went for the weekend, and better yet, why are you reading/receiving their post?!

I am sure if you looked in your facebook FRIENDS list, there are probably a good number of people that if you think about it, why are you following them or better yet, why are you sending them highlights? I've got this one friend that I read postings from and I just think to myself, why? Many of the posts sound so privileged, so "I'm a snooty stay-at-home SF mom," that I really want to comment back-GO FUCK YOURSELF. Or the stupid posting that causes a Facebook comment war where your FRIEND'S Friends, who are complete strangers to you, are insulting you when you're just defending the selfish "what's on your mind" posting that your so-called FRIEND happened to write without thinking about who is on their FRIEND list....which goes back to my question-how many of your FRIENDS are in fact your FRIENDS?

Some people have 200+ friends. Are they all friends? Or just people you reconnected with through Facebook? Better yet, does every FRIEND in your Facebook account need to know that you went to Napa for the weekend? Or that you bought a pair of shoes, or went to a fancy dinner? I think not. In fact, its annoying and probably equally annoying when I tell the 42 FRIENDS (yes, I only have 42, okay....maybe 30 after cleanup time) that I am going for a 13 mile run. Why do I post it? Not really sure. Perhaps one day, I wish that someone would actually care to comment-why do you run so much? Or where did you run to? In fact, the only person I can count on for a comment regularly is my dad-there's my point. He cares about my daily activities. Everyone else could care less. And when you use Facebook to brag about going to the spa, shopping, etc. your FRIENDS could probably care less as well. Okay-I do care about a good pair of shoes and a great sale but bragging of any kind, I'm just not that interested in or impressed by. And yes, when I post that I ran 13 miles, etc.--yes, I AM bragging and you could probably care less as well, except for my good ole'dad.

Pictures--this is a funny one. I love seeing my mom friends post pics of themselves in bikinis. I always comment back Hot Mama! I mean common...why else would you post a solo shot of yourself in a bikini except to show everyone how good you look in one? Hey, if you're a mom and can get away wearing a bikini, then you should be proud of it! Other than that, posed photos, head shots, etc. one photo is plenty, but an entire album dedicated to yourself, again, NOBODY cares except probably your parents and even then, there comes an age and time in one's life when even the parents don't need an entire album of just YOU. (Unless you are a model.)

Okay-no more run/swim postings from me!

It's cleanup time!


  1. who are these people that are attacking comments from their "friends"? that's crazy!

  2. Yay, I'm actually reading one of your posts. I do enjoy hearing what you and the fam are up to. I don't usually post what I'm doing but I do reconnect with a lot of old friends/family members. It's fun. Plus, our family lives in so many different states, this is a good way to see a snapshot of their lives and really know who they are even when we aren't all together. I've been going on FB a lot more these days so I'll be sure to scroll through and see what you are posting bc I do care (like Christina) :-)!

  3. I really don't care about the oatmeal, but I do care about the running. Except that I want more of that. I want distance speed, how you felt, your progress towards your goals, etc.

  4. We all live such Busy lives is nice to feel the closeness of your words! I feel more like family now and less like people who visit each other on Holidays! Keep it going and tell the Jerks to take a hike!
