Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 4 of Kindergarten

This marks week 4 of kindergarten. It's been an interesting few weeks. Bedtime has gone from 8pm, to 7:30pm, to 7:00pm today. Girls are exhausted!! I had to cut out swimming midweek because the meltdown that follows just isn't worth it. Getting used to a routine in the morning--7:00am alarm followed by washing faces/combing hair, and breakfast. Breakfast is actually getting better! Easy-to-make items are key: frozen pancakes (45 seconds), yogurt, pop tarts (don't ask!) bacon (microwave 2:30 min), toast. 7:45am we're putting on clothes and then walking out the door! It happens so quickly. By the time we get to the first school (8:00am), there is 5 minutes before the bell rings to check out the scene.

Stroll home by 8:20am, stuff something in my mouth (the oatmeal breakfast hasn't been working with new school schedule....) and then its time to jump in the car and head to the Presidio. I have figured out that the best way to enter the Presidio is NOT through the Lombard gate but rather going towards the bridge and remain in the left lane. This lane turns into the middle of the Presidio (Halleck) so once in, you can make a right turn for East Beach of a left turn towards YMCA. Literally saves you 5 minutes-which is extremely valuable for me!

Drop off the little one at school and then hurry back towards East Beach. Squeeze in a short run and then hurry home to shower/grocery shop and then its back to pick up Lucy. Time flies! In between all of this, I am trying to get donations for schools and shop for Halloween Carnival-Chairing for Lola's school..... Once I pick up Lucy, it's's Tuesday and she wants Johny Rocket's. No, not again!! Cave in, have a burger and eat almost all of HER fries (there goes the 5 miler). Then we rush out of there to hit up Walgreens-wipe them out of almost their entire Halloween sections (for carnival) have I mentioned that I have been stalking all the Walgreens/Halloween stores for the past 2 weeks??!!...oh shit! It's 2:15pm now and I am supposed to pick up Lola at 2:20pm. Yes-I am late. I feel like a bad mom because my kid will be the last one picked up. I show up late and they are not even waiting for me! They have brought her inside. She is playing in the yard. She is okay. I tell her I am sorry but she doesn't care. I apologize to the school and blame it on Walgreens and emphasize how I was shopping for THE SCHOOL CARNIVAL!! Okay-time to rush home, gets kids changed and ready for ballet class at 3:30pm. Arrive at ballet on time-leave to hit up a few more stores for donations for Bal de Paris fundraiser at Lola's school. With my aggressive and very persuasive charm, manage to score 3 donations. Now I am hungry. Do I cave in for the delicious chocolate brownie at Starbucks? Settle for a Venti Black Ice Tea and a Think Thin Protein Bar.....boring. Grab 2 cookies for the girls and watch the last 15 minutes of ballet. Go home. Make a bath for the girls. Prepare them dinner: fillet Mignon, broccoli and pasta. Grapes for Lucy. Apples for Lola. As soon as dinner is over, daddy walks in the door. Bed time is in 30 minutes.

Girls are in bed. Dinner with Chris followed by working on school fundraising until midnight. Manage to squeeze in a few minutes to check out Perez Hilton-I needed my "Hollywood" fix. (Reminiscing my NYC PR days.......) Continue searching for carnival stuff, ideas, post art ad and writing school Room Parent letter. 12:30am now...time for bed!

How many days left until the end of the week!

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